There are many airlines that provides connections to Australia. However, I would like to analyse only the most involved in social networks. Some of them offer polls, news, videos, photos and communicate with their fans or followers manytimes a day. However, others just have their profile and don't use this new method of marketing. Let's find out whose cheap flights are the most attractive!
As you can see from the number of followers the most successful should be AirAsia and Virgin Blue. However it is not so easy. Some airlines (e.g. Air New Zealand or Tiger Airways) have more accounts – e.g.for different locations or different „audience“- Air New Zealand has even a special twitter account for airfare deals @airnz_deals and @grabaseat. The best way to find all accounts of one airline is to find their „main“ account and then follow other accounts which you can find in its status.
- Jetstar: @jetstarnz (almost 1000 followers)
- Tiger Airways: @tigerairways (almost 1500 followers) and @tigerairwaysaus special twitter profile for all people from Australia (almost 1200 followers)
- V Australia:@flyvaustralia (almost 1300 followers)
- Virgin Blue:@VirginBlue (almost 12000 followers)
- AirAsia:@AirAsiaDotCom (almost 14500 followers)
- Pacific Blue:@fly_pacificblue (almost 1050 followers)
- Viva Macau Airlines: don't have a twitter account
- Air New Zealand:@flyairnz (9200 followers)
Facebook in Australia is also very popular. The hugest number of fans belongs to V Australia which has incredible number – almost 12.400 fans! Look at airlines's profiles to find the main differences:
- JetStar – 1300 fans (Jetstar Asia)
- Tiger Airways – 1200 fans (Tiger Airways)
- V Australia – 12400 fans (V Australia)
- Virgin Blue – 2100 fans (Virgin Blue)
- AirAsia – 9800 fans (AirAsia)
- Pacific Blue – 1100 fans (Pacific Blue Airlines)
- Viva Macau Airlines (Viva Macau Airlines) - you can only become a friend
- Air New Zealand – 2300 fans (Air New Zealand)
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