Social networking is one of latest marking tool. Social media - especially Twitter and Facebook - has been tagged as a fad for the youth market, but it's not a passing phenomenon – all companies will quickly learn to use it as tomorrow's essential marketing platform. Not only companies however do this. Take Obama's campaigns for example – he used many social networks and guess what- this move was very successful! That's why this technique is followed by many airlines. Lets have a look at Twitter today.
First of all, we must mention the most followed airlines at Twitter. JetBlue Airways (@JetBlue) for example more than 1.3million followers. Just right behind it there are Southwest AirlinesVirgin America (@VirginAmerica), American Airlines(@AAirwaves), Delta Air Lines (@DeltaAirLines), Alaska Airlines (@AlaskaAir), Air New Zealand (@flyairnz) and many more. (@SouthwestAir), United Airlines (@UnitedAirlines), JetBlue Cheeps (Jet Blue's last minute flight deals posted every Monday, @JetBlueCheep),
It is easy to follow every of them and get upcoming airfare sales. On the other site, if you want to follow more airlines it starts to be a little bit complicated. Just imagine you follow e.g. 20 people (friends, companies..) and you want to add another 10 airlines that adds lets say 50 tweets a day! Moreover prepare that you will have many tweets that you are not even interested in (such "Airline wishes you good morning")! And you will get lost in such huge amount of tweets in particular.
I actually find very easy solution how to find the best aifare deals without having hundreds of needless tweets. There are couple of sites gathering as much information about current flight offers and upcoming airfare sales as possible. I look at their profiles and choose one of them which seems to me as the best - @myairdeals. When you look at it now you will see only three or four best deals of the day – the rest can be found at its homepage. However they plan to make their system better and have very subtle system. Followers will be able to follow deals from/to selected destinations. The best about this system is that you can be inform about deals which you are really interested in!
This site – MyAirDeals.com - makes its users possible to sign up for free and get free email alerts about the airfare deals that suits their profile. What I really like about this site is that it is easy to understand and easy to do everything including changing profile, adding new routes I am interested in and even cancelling of account is easy.
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